Bob and Diana's drive day was simply beautiful.
I loved seeing the variety of horses and vehicles.
This big guy is a Clydesdale-Hackney cross.
He's one of four in Eric and Mary's 4 up.
This pretty mare is a Holsteiner-Morgan cross.
This mare is a Friesian with a tiny bit of Arabian blood. Gere competes in marathon driving, and he likes a little Arabian in his horses for endurance.
Oeds is a more traditional Friesian. Years ago I used to horse-sit him and his herd, so it was wonderful to see his handsome self again.

Oeds pulled this 1902 trap. Sharp!
I like this lantern! (oops, I'm not sure what this vehicle is)
(another oops - my camera and I missed a few horses and vehicles)
Diana and Boomer were stylin'!
Diana's lunch took the cake!
The End
Oh, man... what fun! I bet it was a blast!
Loved all the photos. I wish you could be here for the Walnut Hill Show. That cake is amazing!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Loved the horses, loved the rigs! Great pictures. And, that!!!
Wonderful video. Looks like it was a perfect day for a drive. So fun to see all the horses going along so nicely. And there is nothing so pretty as the view of a beautiful drafty butt from the carriage. Thanks for taking us along for a ride.
I am more than a little jealous. love the video. Good choice of song too.
Oh wow. Awesome video. That looks so much fun.
BEAUTIFUL!!!! Looks like so much fun!!
Loved this! Learned a few more 'breeds' along the way too!
Take a look at my post tomorrow (if I get it done tonight) which will have a few pics of police horses we saw at a parade on Saturday. Maybe you can tell what breed/mix they are?
I think it is SO cool that there is a community of drivers out where you are. Driving isn't as popular here, though I do know some people who enjoy it. I'd love to see a parade of horses pulling carts with the drivers all dressed up!
Stunning! really, really beautiful.
Do you have any idea where Diana had the cake made, and/or how?! What a fantastic surprise cake that would make for horse lovers in my family, or even just to treat myself! :) Its beautiful.
Also, I came over to your blog from Adventures of Lucy bc I noticed you made a comment regarding hay shortages. I'm actually working on a legal article regarding the relation between equine/livestock issues and hay shortages/ high feed prices. Would love to hear more of your thoughts! (If you would prefer email, mine is
Great to find your blog, happy to become your next follower!!
Best, Corinna
just beautiful!
Lots of fun with all those big horses! :O). Everyone of them gorgeous.
Oh I would love to sit there and enjoy the breezes...lovely!
What a wonderful day, and some gorgeous horses and traps. Great news regarding your spinning. I love to Spin, its addictive. Looking forward to seeing your yarns and those finished garments...Happy Spinning !.....Jayne
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