Bob and Diana's drive day was simply beautiful.
I loved seeing the variety of horses and vehicles.
This big guy is a Clydesdale-Hackney cross.
He's one of four in Eric and Mary's 4 up.
This pretty mare is a Holsteiner-Morgan cross.
This mare is a Friesian with a tiny bit of Arabian blood. Gere competes in marathon driving, and he likes a little Arabian in his horses for endurance.
Oeds is a more traditional Friesian. Years ago I used to horse-sit him and his herd, so it was wonderful to see his handsome self again.

Oeds pulled this 1902 trap. Sharp!
I like this lantern! (oops, I'm not sure what this vehicle is)
(another oops - my camera and I missed a few horses and vehicles)
Diana and Boomer were stylin'!
Diana's lunch took the cake!
The End