
Friday, July 4, 2014

America the Beautiful

My brother Tom, sister-in-law Pat and I 
visited the Garden of the Gods. 

Pat and Tom

 me and my brother Tom
                                    photo by Pat

What a perfect place to appreciate the beauty of our country
on this American holiday.

There was so much beauty,
I came home with a stiff neck
from doing a whole lot of
this -
                         photo by Tom

I'm wishing you all a great 4h of July.


Texan said...

It looks beautiful!

Joe Bauman said...

Yes, I always love the desert.

Lori Skoog said...

My favorite pictures had you in them! How are paj's feet doing?

Kay G. said...

Indeed, quite beautiful.

Marielle Collins said...

Amazing pictures, thank you for sharing!!

Cindi said...

I miss my hometown..thanks for sharing...hoping to visit before the end of the year!!!

Fundy Blue said...

What a wonderful way to spend the 4th, Terry! I loved seeing the pictures of you, especially with your brother. Sending Paj positive and healing thoughts!

Dreaming said...

Beautiful place and beautiful photos. Glad you had some fun times with family.

in2paints said...

Beautiful pictures! It's so pretty out there!

Jim said...

I have heard so much about this place, Terry. What a beautiful spot! and you have captured it well.
So good to 'see' you! And I imagined you as a brunette all this time!! Go figure!

Christie Maszkiewicz said...

Welcome to my town! Garden of the Gods is amazing even if I see it every day. Glad you got to see it!

fromsophiesview said...

What a grand place to visit on such a grand day for your country. Those cliffs are such beautiful colours. It would wonderful to visit at different times of the day and year I suspect. I know what you mean about stiffneckitis!!
Ron here helping Sophie