
Tuesday, September 29, 2009

The War on Mud

The forecast called for 6-12" of snow. We didn't get that, but we did get three days of sleet, rain mixed with snow, and driving rain.

Reggie - is it ever going to stop raining?

The best part of the barn is the overhang. The horses all align themselves under the overhang to stay dry, or to stay out of the sun on hot days. Their stall doors are open, and they could go inside, but no.

The first battle in our War on Mud was staged on the runs. The runs in the photos below are side-by-side, and the photos were taken within minutes of each other. (Please note that I finished priming the runs before the big rain!)

Dirt run after the big rain

Gravelled run after the big rain
The second battle in the War on Mud is being fought on the pathways around the barn. We've had two truck loads of crushed stone delivered.

David watches anxiously

The path to the hay barn after the big rain

The path after crushed stone
The third battle will be fought in the backyard, featuring Clifford, the Amazing Trench Digger. But that's another story.

Monday, September 14, 2009

Fall Clinic

Ok, I admit it. I stalled out on introducing the herd. That's because the next horses in the herd are Reggie and Paj, and I don't know how to edit myself on our own horses. I'll get back to The Herd - Part 2 later.

Today was our first Fall Clinic. Dr. Gary and Ray came and did worming, shots, hygiene, checked teeth, and checked weight (all good), and answered a million questions. Here's the good news - the pastures are a nice crispy brown, so the horses can spend more time out. Here's even better news - there's no bad news!

Dave, Dr. Gary, Reggie, and Ray

Today we reached a milestone. It was one month ago that the horses came to Moondance Ranch. So where are we in terms of getting ready for winter? Well, David has moved the first 16 tons of gravel to Paj and Zan's runs and started Boomer's. The second load (another 16 tons) is on site. I am 4/5 done priming the runs, and hope to finish this week. I'm not exactly proud of that record; David moved 16 tons faster than I primed. Hmm.