
Tuesday, April 6, 2010


The Plague of 3 Snow Storms in 8 Days was followed by warm temperatures.  Warm temperatures gave rise to the Plague of Mud.  The Plague of Mud was followed by the Plague of High Winds, which dried the mud out nicely.  We seem to be plague-free today.

It is cool and crisp, like a Fall day.  The coyotes have been less visible since Reggie gave them a scare.  This morning I was happy to see them frolicking in the paddock, not 20' from Paj.  Reggie was safely in his run.  The coyotes are smart enough to know which horse will chase them, and which horse will keep on grazing.  I tried to get a photo, but when I raised my camera, they faded into the prairie.

We may get more snow tonight, but we've found evidence of Spring;  our first wildflowers are blooming.

Pasque flower
cell phone photo
by Dave

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